Table of Contents

Renting, Residents and Guests FAQ

How do I rent a parcel or other location in Tiki Town or La Cuna, and what if I want more prims?
Parcels in Tiki Town and non-secure spaces such as apartments, houses, motel and dorm rooms are rented by right-clicking and paying the rental box at or near the location to be rented. The prims are set at a minimum; if you want to rent more prims let Teresa know and she will re-configure the rental.

How do I get rez rights?
Upon rental, our bot, kaiyakalea, will invite the renter to the appropriate group with the Resident role. If the renter is already in the group, they will not see an invite and will instead be assigned the role. The rental system instructs them to refresh the group or relog in order to see the new role. This is usually required. Renters often miss this, and also frequently disregard the rental information they’re given at the time of rental.

I lost my Resident role. How do I get it back?
Resident roles can be lost when a renter who is a guest on another renter’s system is removed as a guest. They can reacquire their Resident role by clicking their rental box, then clicking the “Req Rez Role” button. This will reassign the role. The usual group refresh or account relog is recommended after completing the request.

How can I add a friend so that they can rez too?
Parcel renters are able to add a finite number of Guests and Visitors, depending on the size of their rental. Both Guests and Visitors may come and go freely once added, but only Guests are given the Resident role so that they may rez. Adding someone as a Guest follows the same rules as above. They will be invited to the group as a Resident, or assigned that role if they are already in the Tiki Town group.

Can I terraform my parcel?
Generally, no. We prefer to limit changes to parcels and reserve the right to make no changes. However, some staff are able to perform this function to terraform for pools, docks and other minor features to accommodate a user’s home. Under limited circumstances, we may temporarily assign a role allowing experienced users to terraform. This ability is only given by Teresa, Kytanna or David.

How can I move to a different parcel?
We do not have a parcel transfer or moving system. Instead, the renter simply rents the new parcel and requests a refund of rent for the old parcel. Only Teresa can perform the refund function. The renter needs to request a refund, stating the old parcel from which they’re moving, and the new parcel to which they’re moving. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response and refund.

What happens if my rent is late?
For private parcels, renters are sent reminders by notecard that their rent is coming due, starting three days before their rental expires. These are sent daily, up to the due date, and throughout the seven day “grace period”. For public rentals such as boat slips, skyboxes and homes in La Cuna, the grace period is three days instead of seven.

Renewing rent on a late rental will first pay past due rent, then add new time from there. Rentals reaching seven days past due will be automatically cleared and made available for rent to a new renter. If you are unable to pay your rent by this time but expect to be able to in the very near future, please contact staff to make arrangements. We may be able to extend you if you are a long term resident in good standing with us.

Can landscape around my parcel be changed?
Yes, those with edit rights for Teresa and Kytanna may move items around. This is not an uncommon request, and generally Teresa or Kytanna are happy to take care of it.

Using Your Security Orb for Tiki Town Parcel Rentals

The security orb is the round dome on top of the rental unit cylinder stack (see the attached picture). It is bright blue-green when turned on (armed) and grey when turned off (disarmed).

If the security orb is armed: If someone enters your parcel, a blue menu pops up on your screen. You then have choices:
– ignore it and let it “kick” intruders (set to scan every 20 seconds); or
– click on the “TEMPORARY” button to give them access (set to 2 hours); or
– click on the “GUEST” button to grant them permanent access.

You can also do the following:
– Add and remove Guests and Visitors by touching the round dome.
  — “Guests”can rez things at your parcel. You can add up to 2 guests.
  — “Visitors” cannot rez things. You can add up to 10 visitors.
– Set the music stream on your parcel by touching the blue disc (between the rental cylinder and the security orb) and selecting “SetMusicUrl”
– Request rez rights (if for some reason you lose that role and ability) by touching the rental unit cylinder and selecting “Req Rez Role.” That re-assigns the “resident” role to you in the Tiki Town group. You may have to re-log for that role assignment to “stick.”

If you intend to leave, please touch the rental unit and select “Won’t Renew.”

Security in Town of La Cuna

The rooms, apartments, and houses in La Cuna are not private. We cannot lock doors – it’s not feasible, and even if we could, determined people can easily bypass them by sitting on furniture to get inside rooms.

It should be clear what places are “homes” – we have PLENTY of public places to play.

If there is an issue involving an uninvited person who is in your place, let them know it is your rented space and ask them to leave. If they are not friendly and comply, (1) give us names and we will talk to them and (2) NC a conversation where they are being rude and we will consider a ban.

Note on prims: there is a prim counter at the La Cuna HUB that lists prims rezzed by everyone on the North sim. To see the prims rezzed, click on the sign that says “prim counter.”

Your rent box will turn yellow when you exceed the alloted number of prims. If you want to rent more prims let us know and we can configure your rent box accordingly.

For privacy where you cannot see in or out of a parcel, and/or to kick intruders from a parcel, you have to rent a private parcel. Many parcels of various sizes are available at tiki town. The rental office for that is here.

Sky Platforms for Tiki Town Parcel Rentals

A sky platform for your parcel is provided for all private parcel rentals at Tiki Town.

A teleport to the platform is in the stack of items along with your rental unit, prim counter, and security orb.

You can change the scenery for most skyboxes. To do that, touch the remote control.
 – The remote control is usually on the north edge of the parcel, in the center, approximately at chest height.
– There should also be a teleport back to your parcel at that location.
  — Note: the largest skyboxes use a different system for which you cannot change the scenery.

If you see a darker “border” around the edge of the floor of the skybox: That indicates the boundaries of the private part of your parcel. The scenery is a bit larger on some of the smaller parcels for visual effect. Please keep all building & objects & activities within the darker border.

The platforms are spaced carefully around the sky. This avoids conflicts with other renters and with La Cuna and other places. Please do your rezzing and building at the provided platform, not at other places in the sky. Thank you for understanding!

How to use your radio on Tiki Town Parcel Rentals

Always on can only add or delete Internet Radio Stations that are already playing your land parcel. This is the best way to validate a stream before you add it to your favorite list. Once you get the URL playing then you can add it.

The radio is the cylinder that is wrapped around the dance machine (see the attached picture).


1. Touch the tuner and the menu will pop-up.
2. Select the Options button.
3. Click on the Enter Stream button
4. Type or paste in the Music URL into the provided entry field then hit the Submit button.
5. After a few moments the stream will start to play.


1. Touch the tuner and the menu will pop-up.
2. Select a music genre and a menu of stations will pop-up.
3. Select a station and the Always On selector does the rest.


1. Touch the Always On tuner and the menu will pop-up.
2. Select the Options button.
3. Click on the Add Favorite button
4. Enter a title for this favorite or allow Always On to assign one automatically by leaving the entry field blank.
5. Click on the Submit button.
6. Always on attempts to add the currently playing Music URL to your favorite list.
7. The Always on Service confirms the update or gives you an error message.

Once your favorite has been added successfully it will be available in the favorites genre.


1. Touch the Always On tuner and the menu will pop-up.
2. Click on the More Genre button until the Favorites genre appears.
3. Click on the Favorites Button and your favorites list will appear.
4. Click on the Music Channel you want to play.


1. Touch the Always On tuner and the menu will pop-up.
2. Select the Options button.
3. Click on the Del Favorite button.
4. Always on tries to remove the currently playing Music URL from your favorite list.
5. The Always on Service confirms the update or gives you an error message.