Twice every month we have very popular and eagerly anticipated house parties at varying locations on the Tiki Town sim. The parties are held at the homes of one of the many Tiki Town renters. We have the parties on Saturdays at varying times depending on the availability, preference, and time zone of the host. Most months we have only two house parties though a few times per year we’ll have three house parties in a single month, depending on how many Saturdays there are during a particular month.

The house parties typically last a minimum of four hours though frequently go longer. In nearly all cases, the DJs for the party are Tiki Town DJs and are chosen based on the desired music genres of the host. In some cases a host will request specific DJs that best fit their music preferences. The parties always have really good turnouts regardless of the time of day they start. Start times are flexible but always begin no earlier than 10am SLT and they wrap up no later than 7pm SLT.

So far, we’ve had over 50 house parties over the course of almost four years. We do have a pretty long waiting list for hosting. We average about two dozen hosts on the waiting list which takes about a year to rotate through. But we do allow first time renters to jump the line and go to the top of the waiting list for the first time they host a house party.

The Tiki Town house parties are completely free for the host. There are no fees and the Tiki Town DJs always work for tips.

The Tiki Town staff will handle getting everything ready for the house parties including scheduling DJs, sending out group notices, setting up a teleport rocket at the main resort to enable people to easily get to the party, and even making a poster for the party and adding the event to the Tiki Town website.

If you have any questions about hosting a Tiki Town house party in the future just contact Chloe Rox (djchloerox).