Saturday Sex Party The Rock
Saturday Sex Party The Rock

You see them posted every other week. The infamous Tiki Town Saturday Sex Party. While the name sounds like it explains it all, you still may ask just what it is. 

Roughly every other Saturday we host the Sex Party at one of several locations around Tiki Town. Popular spots for this event include the Grotto, North Beach, Planetarium, The Coil Biker Bar, The Warehouse, The Clubhouse, The Rock, Kuno’s Retreat (aka The Toy Box), and even some of the larger resident homes (like mine!). Kytanna and Teresa are always creating new attractions around the nine regions that make up Tiki Town and we do like to try to have the Sex Party at new places as well. 

It takes about a week for us to plan each party. Not only do we need to choose the location, we also need to come into it and decorate, place out various essentials like the dance systems, donation boxes, hook up or spin the bottle game, and various decorations to complete the look and feel. This has to be done each time as Kytanna works hard to keep script and object counts low so the regions run well so things aren’t left out after the parties. We also have to book 10 hours of DJs for each event which is sometimes more complicated than it sounds. We use a rotation schedule for our active DJs to try to give them all several opportunities to play these parties and new DJs are always coming in and out of Tiki Town. 

Also, the week of the party, Kytanna asks one of our Tiki Toys to be the prize in the date raffle. This runs the week of the party and a winner is drawn at 11 AM on Saturday, just one hour before the Sex Party begins. The raffle cost L$50 per entry with a maximum of 10 entries per person. All these proceeds go to help with Tiki Town’s operating costs. 

Once the notices have gone out, the event is posted in the SL Events Calendar, and the raffle winner is drawn, we check the venue for any last minute changes that need made, get the opening act checked in, and by 12 PM the party starts. 

Once things are underway, we try to get people into the games, helping them pair off for fun. While some are ready to jump right into the action, others need a little coaxing, or just prefer to wait for someone to ask them. This is why KK created both the Hookup and Spin the Bottle games. These allow for random parings and make a fun way to hook up quickly and even meet someone new. I know I have made some great new friends from these random encounters! So if you’re the shy type, or just want the fun of chance, jump in these games!

In between running off to play with people (hey, staff love these parties too you know!) we’re behind the scenes messaging the group, getting DJs on and off, helping people out with group tags, new rentals, and answering questions. Our main goal is to make sure people are having a great time, and so many folks pitch in from staff to Toys to DJs and of course our residents and guests. It’s a long day, but I know personally when I look around and see people enjoying the DJs, meeting and talking, and of course enjoying one another in naughty fun, it makes it all worth the effort. And I know we all feel that way too! 

Tiki Town is made great by the people who call it home, be they our renters, regulars, staff, Babygirls, DJs, Toys, or people visiting for the first time and finding something they love that keeps them coming back. We do it all for you and are so very proud of the fun loving, open minded, naughty community that has been built. 

House Party