Tiki Town has been around for four years as of this upcoming December. Tiki Town started off as a little tropical hangout on a quarter of the Schindleria sim and over time it has grown to an expansive nine sim region with multiple club venues, a multitude of residential areas, a destination for adult fun, plus the multi-sim town of La Cuna as well as many other features and points of interest. What started out as a hangout for a few dozen people became a top ranked spot with hundreds of regulars and more than 2200 people in the Tiki Town group.

This didn’t happen by chance or sheer luck. Countless clubs in SL come and go all the time. Some clubs and sims only stay open for a few weeks while others sit empty month after month. A big part of Tiki Town’s success is all the numerous hours of diligent work and planning by Teresa and Kytanna. Without them there would be no Tiki Town and Second Life would be lesser for it. But even hard work and planning aren’t always enough to guarantee success.

So… what really makes Tiki Town great? A fabulous looking sim is certainly important and Tiki Town is indeed a tropical paradise abounding with picturesque scenery, beautiful skies, and attractive buildings. But there’s more to it than that. So I decided to find out! I spoke with some of the residents and regulars of Tiki Town and asked them their thoughts on why Tiki Town is such a great place. It was no great surprise to me that many people gave some similar answers but each person had their own perspective.

JP said, “The people in town are what make it special. I mean most any of the visitors and residents are very friendly and make ya feel at home.”

Stella told me, “The people make it special! There are fancier places… busier places… all kinds of places.  But the people are why I like it the best. I mean, landlords that actually hang out with you?!?”

Robin similarly said, “The people make Tiki special. They are light hearted and fun. Most of the time day or night I can find someone there. I don’t know of another sim quite like it.”

Jozi stated, “The people. My friends TT and KK… and the rest of the people… the DJs… the people who show up.”

Starting to see a pattern here? And yes, Kytanna and Teresa are always friendly, welcoming, and frequently seen at the Tiki Town events. And seeing the familiar and friendly faces of all the regulars at Tiki Town counts for a lot too.

Chris Mars said “I think honestly it is the community of people.” Chris noted that renting elsewhere just wouldn’t be the same without the people of Tiki Town, the variety of fun events, and the sexy girls. In his own words, quoting the theme song from Cheers, he said that Tiki Town is a place “where everyone knows your name”. Lastly he added that the people of Tiki Town were often silly and made him smile.

Cassie remarked, “Tiki Town is the best sim ever! Lots of fun people to hang out and dance with… awesome parties and live DJs, and of course all the Tiki girls are here to have fun! It’s one of the best places to hang out, meet new people, explore all the fun places and things that you’ll find all around the sim.  It’s the people here that make it special!  If you like to dance to live DJs, attend fun parties, just hang out and chat you’ll definitely like Tiki Town.”

When asked about Tiki Town Heath had this to say, “Tiki is an odd mix… I can’t put my finger on it… you have a very sexually charged environment but it’s not all sex.” and added, “Bottom line, it’s people and it’s multiple people at Tiki… whatever is going right at Tiki it attracts good people.  I love hanging out Fridays after a long week… being a little silly in chat… the environment is adult/naughty, it’s friendly, it’s safe. Don’t have to deal with all of the usual SL drama, noobie cock walkers, jealousy, impenetrable cliques, etc. Whatever KK and TT are doing, they are doing it right, and I hope to spend many more years hanging out at Tiki Town.”

So there you have it. The people… the parties… the naughtiness… the silliness. Over the course of nearly four years Tiki Town has become a community of delightful people who have made Tiki Town such a great place to hang out, party, relax, and live.

Thank you to KK and TT and the Tiki Town staff and all the many, many people who show up at Tiki Town every week and help make it the best place in Second Life!